By 2023-09-18

Please, save the date! On the 28th-29th September 2023, the 4 Networks犀利士
(EnviCrimeNet, ENPE, IMPEL & EUFJE) will be holding a conference on ‘Cooperation in strengthening environmental enforcement’, in Rome. 

The Conference is being curated by the 4 environmental enforcement networks of practitioners:

Conference will be held in a hybrid form with:

  • Physical presence for a limited number of participants
  • Live streaming for all other registered participants

The overall aim of the 4 Networks events is improve cooperation in strengthening environmental enforcement and to join forces by bringing regulators, inspectors, police officers, prosecutors, and judges together.

We seek for innovated insights and exciting proposals that would bring up into discussion emerging issues in the following five thematic areas:

–  How new techniques can be used to prevent and detect environmental offences?
–  How can administrative and criminal law enforcement complement each other?
–  How to make environmental crime unprofitable?
–  How to assess, remediate and compensate for the damage incurred?
–  How to measure enforcement results?

The conference will be a unique space, for experts from the 4 networks, to share experiences and information about cooperation in strengthening environmental enforcement.