Representantes de las fuerzas de seguridad de la mayor parte de los países de la Unión junto con otros de países transfronterizos, así como de África y Latino América se han unido en torno a la Asamblea anual de EnviCrimeNet con el objetivo de formalizar la Red y reforzar...
Representatives of the security樂威壯 forces of most of the countries of the Union together with others from cross-border countries, as well as from Africa and Latin America, have come together around the annual Assembly of EnviCrimeNet with the aim of formalizing the Network and reinforcing links in the fight...
El pasado 21 de mayo, más de 180 agentes de diferentes ámbitos (judicial, inspección, policial y fiscal) se unieron para reforzar la cooperación internacional en el ámbito de la legislación medioambiental, su cumplimiento y mejora de los mecanismos de cooperación en la totalidad de la cadena de cumplimiento. El...
On May 21, more than 180 agents from different fields (judicial, inspection, police and prosecutor) came together to strengthen international cooperation in the field of environmental legislation, its enforcement and improvement of cooperation mechanisms throughout the whole enforcement chain. The objective of this event was to bring together all...
Marie Toussaint, member of the European Parliament, has received, in a conference online, the technical Coordinator of the LIFE+ SATEC Project and President of EnviCrimeNet, Miguel Ángel Godoy,. This meeting grouped a high number of European organizations working in the field of the environmental protection (other law enforcement agencies,...
La Jefatura del SEPRONA ejerce actualmente funciones de presidencia de la Red Europea de expertos en investigación de delitos contra el medio ambiente (EnviCrimeNet). En la última Asamblea General de la Red, celebrada en Madrid el pasado 2-4/03/2020 con el apoyo del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto...
The SEPRONA Headquarters currently holds the presidency of the European Network of Experts in Environmental Crime Investigation (EnviCrimeNet). At the last General Assembly of the Network, held in Madrid on 2-4/03/2020 with the support of the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challen犀利士 ge (MITERD), it was agreed,...
El proyecto se enmarca en el programa LIFE+ de la Comisión Europea e integra organizaciones policiales de Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Eslovaquia, Holanda e Italia, con la implicación además de otros países dentro y fuera de la Unión Europea. El efecto del calentamiento global es uno de los mayores peligros...
The project is part of the European Commission’s LIFE+ program and involves police organisations from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Italy, with the involvement of other countries inside and outside the European Union. The effect of global warming is one of the greatest dangers facing mankind, aggravated...
Life + SATEC Project will host the next 4 Networks conference day “Together in the Fight Against Environmental Crime” to be held virtually on the 21st of May 2021 from 09.00-16.15 CET. The organizing parties are ENPE, EUFJE, EnviCrimeNet and IMPEL. These entities have designed a complete agenda with...